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Ensure That The Criminal Justice System Treats You Fairly

Getting charged with a crime is a serious matter. Even the smallest of charges can have serious consequences — and while everybody is innocent until proven guilty, many times it may feel like the system is against you from the start.

Beavers, Calvert, & Brotherton has advocated on behalf of the accused in central Illinois for over 85 years. While you may know some of your rights, we know them all and will fight tirelessly to protect them. During a time when the criminal justice system hardly seems just, our goal is to ensure that you are treated fairly.


Work With Former Illinois Public Defenders

Our diverse and experienced team of attorneys includes former Illinois public defenders. We understand how prosecutors will approach your case and are often able to work closely with them to get a better deal — sometimes even removing the charges entirely. Few law firms in central Illinois are able to offer you more holistic criminal defense representation.


An Ally For Those Charged With Any Crime

Criminal charges can run the gamut from misdemeanors to felonies, with penalties ranging from small fines to prison time. No matter what charges you are facing, we've defended clients against it all, including:

  • Traffic tickets

  • DUI

  • Drug crimes

  • Assault and battery

  • Robbery, theft and burglary

  • Sex crimes

  • White collar crimes


Our criminal defense lawyers take cases at every level — in both state and federal courts. We stand up for all of our clients, fighting for the best possible result in every case.

One Of Central Illinois' Most Trusted Law Firms

Beavers, Calvert, & Brotherton has been practicing in Christian County since 1928. In that time, we have earned a reputation for success, compassion and dedication to our clients. Our attorneys have great working relationships with many of the prosecutors across the state and work as one cohesive unit to get you the results you need.

Meet our trusted legal team by contacting us directly to get started with a free consultation — call today to make your appointment!

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